Our blogs are filled with devotional ideas and concepts about being a disciple and is a resource for disciples who want to become disciple-makers.
The Mystery and Privilege of Praying for Harvest Workers
Jesus told us to go and make disciples, so I don't know why he also asked us to pray for workers to go and do just that.
A Church Community That Welcomes with Open Arms
The church I am referring to takes the matter of being a welcoming community to a new level. It is a small congregation of about 65 people but everyone is engaged in welcoming each other and visitors to the worship service.
Focusing on Jesus: Finding Unity in Diversity
Unfortunately, even those of us who are deeply committed to being a disciple of Jesus fail miserably with this commandment.
Loving Our Neighbours as Ourselves: Seeing Through Jesus' Eyes
I am not sure about you but I have had some neighbors that I was not particularly fond of. An extreme case of a nasty neighbor was reported in the news recently.
Reflecting Christ: Loving God with Heart, Soul, and Mind
Proverbs 29:17 informs us, when we look in a reflective surface like water (or a mirror) we see our likeness as it really is. In the same way the heart reflects what we are really like.
“...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you”…Matthew 28:20a
John chapter 20 verse 25 informs us that Jesus taught a lot more than what was captured and recorded in our bibles. Nevertheless, there are enough of his words recorded that the depth and breadth cannot be exhausted in a lifetime of study. For the next few weeks I would like to write about some of the major things Jesus taught and how they apply to us as disciple-makers.
“baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”…Matthew 28:19b
Willy, (not his real name) was an addict who lived in Thailand when we pastored there. A man in our church befriended Willy and over the course of more than one year of sharing the Gospel with Willy he decided to become a Jesus follower. The man who befriended Willy was not available to baptize him so I had the pleasure of being called in to perform the baptism. Willy was a bit shy but he sincerely wanted to follow Jesus. He asked that we not do the baptism at the church but rather in the Andaman Sea and that we not invite a lot of people. While church people were not invited it was impossible to avoid the attention of the sun bathers especially on the day we chose for the event.
“therefore go and make disciples of all nations” ...Matthew 28:19
Jesus has been crucified. The resurrection has taken place. The risen Jesus with a glorified body, unhindered by physical barriers like walls, occasionally shows up to meet with the disciples. One one of those occasions he instructs them to meet him in Galilee. When the disciples met up with Jesus their number had been reduced to 11. Judas is no longer alive because he succumbed to the temptation to earn money for himself and betrayed Jesus. This ultimately left him with such shame and remorse that he killed himself. At no time in history has any group of people experienced so many emotional highs and lows in such a short period of time. The disciples could rightly have wondered: what next?”
“teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you?”…Matthew 28:20
One of our national directors recently reported about a group of people who broke away from another church in their country. This group decided they would be Christians who consumed as much alcohol as they wanted and the men would allow themselves to have multiple wives. Fortunately, our director was able to step in and point out the difference between being Christians who make up their own rules and Jesus followers who are disciples.
Why does this generation ask for a sign?…Mark 8:12
When Darlene and I first became Jesus followers we found ourselves in a church where a revival had been happening for several months. Even though the fervor was dying down we saw many miracles. Marriages restored, adversaries reconciled, and new believers added to the church were the norm. Our eyes were certainly opened to aspects of being a Jesus follower that we had never known or previously experienced, even though we both grew up going to church regularly.
Foundations for Living founders, Dick and Susan Driedger, were also profoundly impacted by the same revival. In fact, Dick left his employment to lead a discipleship ministry for all the people who were becoming Jesus followers in the church they attended.
Open your eyes and look at the fields…John 4:35b
This statement was true when Jesus spoke it and it is still true today. The people in Jesus day were very ready for the coming of Messiah. Some 400 years had passed since a prophet had spoken. The people were living in the hope that some very old prophecies about Messiah would come true in their lifetime.