“teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you?”…Matthew 28:20
Some believers find themselves stuck in the Old Testament trying disparately to live under the law. Others believe that if they speak it God has to do it because they have spoken by faith. And the list could go on and on detailing the ways people make up their own interpretations of what it means to successfully be a Jesus follower. We should not be surprised at this because from the earliest days of the church attempts were made to subvert the Gospel message as presented by the Apostles who had actually been discipled by Jesus.
Following through on Jesus' command to teach what He taught leads to making mature disciples who are not swayed by teachers and preachers who themselves teach doctrine other than what Jesus taught. Discipleship is essentially the process of leading someone into a relationship with Jesus and helping that person to be changed by Jesus in such a way that they get on mission with Jesus.
Factions within the church, and societal pressures outside the church, along with the constant efforts by the enemy to stall the advance of the church, make discipleship very hard work. It is not work for the faint of heart but discipleship is a critical if we are to fulfil the mandate Jesus has given us in the Great Commission.
Thank you so much for praying with us each week. We will need to wait until we get to heaven to realize the impact all of your prayers have had in our world.
K R Paton