“...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you”…Matthew 28:20a
At the top of the list is the response Jesus made to a teacher of the law who asked him:
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” (Matt 22:36)
Jesus immediately responded with a slightly altered version, of the Shema prayer found in Deuteronomy 6. He said:
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."
I rather doubt that any of us fully live up to this command. It is so easy to give preference to our idols. Some of our idols include comfort, pleasure, family, etc. We are also easily distracted by the daily challenges we all face.
From a personal perspective I found it easier to love God more fully after suffering several losses in a short period of time. When the things I held dear to my heart were stripped away I found myself standing on solid ground.
I am also thankful that being a disciple is a journey and not an immediate destination. I used to be disappointed with myself when I failed to live up the standards I knew God had set for holy living. Then I discovered that God is gracious and kind and is constantly wooing me to walk closer with him. As I do make changes and take steps to love him more fully and be engaged in what his desire is for me; He is my greatest cheerleader. This knowledge was life giving.
To be an effective disciple-maker requires an all in commitment to God and his plans. The main reason is, being a disciple-maker is hard work with many disappointments and failures. But we also find that the more we love God with heart, soul and mind we find that the responsibility transitions from us doing work for God and becomes work we do with His presence in us and guiding us. Then we find disciple-making very rewarding.