Reflecting Christ: Loving God with Heart, Soul, and Mind

“...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."…Matthew 28:20a

Proverbs 29:17 informs us, when we look in a reflective surface like water (or a mirror) we see our likeness as it really is. In the same way the heart reflects what we are really like. The heart is where we make our choices. Loving God with our heart means setting aside our own selfish desires and instead aligning the choices we make with worship, attention, and obedience to God.  

Our soul is our identity. Each person is uniquely created by God. To love God with our soul means to love God with who we are as a person. In other words we use our uniqueness and our identity to to Love God in a way that authentic with the way He created us. 

The mind is the place where we think our thoughts and from the thoughts we form comes our window through which we view the world around us. The mind is where we create our perception of reality and order our priorities. We have a lot of control over our mind so it takes personal discipline to shift our attention from the many things we love and redirect that affection to God. 

Being a disciple of Jesus is a process where we learn how to see ourselves as we really are and then direct our uniqueness by training and developing the mind to view the world through the lens of our relationship with Jesus. This may be our desire but it is also impossible without the help of the Holy Spirit who is resident within to guide us on this pathway.             

K R Paton



Loving Our Neighbours as Ourselves: Seeing Through Jesus' Eyes


 “...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you”…Matthew 28:20a