The Mystery and Privilege of Praying for Harvest Workers

“Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field "…Matthew 9:38

Jesus told us to go and make disciples, so I don't know why he also asked us to pray for workers to go and do just that. God is perfectly capable of accomplishing all He wants to do without our involvement but in his sovereignty He has decided to allow us to participate in what He wants to do and is doing through prayer. This is a great mystery but also an amazing privilege to be invited to work alongside God by engaging in prayer for the things He is doing. 

Week by week I am able to give you reports about lives that are being changed for eternity. I also know that somehow God is crediting these accomplishments as a part of the record of what you have done to advance his Kingdom.

This intercessor team has grown to 98 persons. Thank you for partnering with the Lord and with us through your prayers. In eternity we will see even more clearly the impact these prayers in real terms. 

K R Paton



Finding Joy and Peace Amidst Life's Trials


A Church Community That Welcomes with Open Arms