Our blogs are filled with devotional ideas and concepts about being a disciple and is a resource for disciples who want to become disciple-makers.
Day and night they never cease to say (Revelation 4:8b)
In my personal devotional journey I have arrived in Revelation 4 and 5. Sometimes I get stuck in a Scripture and cannot move on for a period time. I am having one of those experiences these days.
Never stop praying (1 Thessalonians 5:16)
The captioned verse from 1 Thessalonians is a reminder to us that every word or thought is heard by God. As we go throughout our days it is a good reminder to include God in our thoughts and words. Prayer does not need to be confined to a special time of the day, although it is good to set aside times to pray. Prayer can happen constantly with Jesus our constant companion.
There is one Gospel on which I stand
It was youth Sunday at the church Darlene and I attend. The youth music team sang a song at the conclusion that I had never heard before. One of the verses is captured above.
Come, follow me (Matthew 4:19)
At times there is a sense that we are part of something very significant that God is doing. Today is one of those days. As I arrived in my office today I greeted with three amazing reports of recent events. They are prime examples of what happens when people get serious about changing culture by evangelism and discipleship. I will share two stories with you today.
Now when they saw the boldness (Acts 4:13)
I like this definition of discipleship that a friend recently shared with me, a disciple is:
Someone who is following Jesus
Someone who is being changed by Jesus
Someone who is committed to Jesus' mission
I was raised in the church. I was taught values by my parents. Even as a child, I would have been considered someone who was a follower of Jesus. But my life really changed when I made a conscious decision to become a disciple of Jesus Christ.
My sheep hear my voice (John 10:27)
I am reminded of a story reported to me about a lady in a remote place. Unfortunately, I don't remember her name. When our director went to her village she was one of the people in the class being trained as a disciple maker. After the training she clutched the discipleship book to her chest and proclaimed:
"I can do this."