My sheep hear my voice (John 10:27)
For most of her adult life she had been a believer and she had always felt a pull towards evangelism and discipleship. However, she wrongly assumed this work was only for the pastor to do. When she was trained in how to effectively reach others and guide them on their faith journey she learned a seperate valuable lesson. She learned that God had indeed been speaking to her. It was his voice she heard. She wanted to follow him but it took a discipleship class to confirm that God was speaking to her all along.
Simon also heard the voice of the Shepherd. As an evangelist he was seeing many people make commitments to follow Christ. Upon return visits, the converts had drifted away. Simon heard the voice of the Shephard that the missing key was discipleship. So, he picked up the phone and called the F4L office. As a result of that call, many pastors and church leaders have been trained and a whole new ministry in the prisons of Kenya has begun.
It is sometimes hard to know the difference between personal desire and the voice of the Shephard. Because of this, we often do not act and as a result we miss the opportunity to follow the Shepherd into a great adventure or to perform a simple act of kindness. Let's all agree to listen more intently to the voice of the Shephard and see what He will accomplish through our obedience.
As I close today I am praying for you as you listen carefully to the Shepherd's voice. It may be He is speaking to you about someone in your life who needs a special word of encouragement or to start a simple discussion about what you believe.