Who Do You Say I Am? A Journey of Faith Behind Bars

Who do people say I am?”  Mark 8:27b

A question by Jesus resonates down through the centuries since He asked his disciples: "Who do people say I am?

The disciples responded that some people thought Jesus was John the Baptist or perhaps Elijah or another one of the prophets.  

A lady inmate in Kenya is a devotee to another religion. In the course of the conversation she asked: "What is the difference between Jesus and God"?

This group of inmates were then divided into groups to discuss who Jesus is. And just like that the journey to discover who Jesus is begins for a woman in prison. We don't know what she did to find herself in this situation. We don't know the depth of the hardships her family faces as she is not at home to care for her normal responsibilities. But we know that Jesus will reveal himself to her through the testimonies of others and what she learns in the F4L discipleship classes. 

Physically she cannot move around her community freely or receive friends and relatives to her home. But inside the walls of a prison she is going to find herself free from every fear, bondage and sin and she will ultimately be able to answer the question about who Jesus is by declaring: "He is my Lord and I am his disciple." 


Stories of God at Work in Unexpected Places


The Courage and Faith of God's Young Servants