The Courage and Faith of God's Young Servants

Alas, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am too young.”

Jeremiah's age is not directly mentioned in the bible but it is believed he was in his early to mid teen years when God called him to be a prophet. One source I read suggested he was between 13 and 16 years of age based on the number of years after Josiah became king. Josiah also started out with a lot of responsibility as a young person. He became king at 8 years of age. 

Jeremiah was known as the “weeping prophet” because he was personally distressed and suffered greatly when the Israelites did not heed his prophecies. No one believed him and beyond that he was mocked, threatened and beaten. For an idealistic teenager who had a close personal relationship with God, and to whom God had revealed the future, it must have been a horrible experience to be treated so terribly by his family, friends and community.  

Thinking about Jeremiah got me thinking about other teenagers that God called and used mightily. 

- Joseph was 17 when God began to speak to him in dreams.

- David was about 15 when Samuel anointed him as king.

- Mary was probably between 12 and 14 when she miraculously gave birth to Jesus. 

There are other examples in the bible about teenagers doing some amazing things. It was not easy for any of them to be singled out for a special assignment by God. They often faced opposition from family, friends and society at large. They personally gave up a lot in order to carry out their God given mission but they also persevered. 

I wonder what they would say if we were able to ask them today if all the pain, anguish and suffering was worth it? My best guess is they would respond with a resounding "yes it was worth it."


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