For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God…Romans 10:2
Paul (whose given name was Saul) was zealous in protecting God from this upstart group who followed a Rabbi named Jesus. Even after Jesus was crucified his followers made claims about his resurrection and continued to spread the word about him and invite others to become his disciples. Romans 10:3 further describes Paul's previous situation and the current status of those who have misguided zealousness for God.
"Since they did not know the righteousness of God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness"
It is a rather sobering thought to consider that some people believe it is their duty and it honors God if they persecute those who claim that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
To bring this closer to home I wonder if sometimes we are also sometimes guilty of being zealous for God out of pride, preferences. or our own interpretation of Scripture? Theologians, scholars, pastors and teachers are very good at proving their point of view using Scripture while debating with other theologians, scholars, pastors and teachers who have opposing views.
My experience pastoring international churches has been very helpful in my own development as a disciple of Jesus Christ. International churches are typically located in places where expatriates gather to live and work. Among these global nomads are Christians who seek a place to worship. The options are usually limited so they tend to gravitate to the international church. The worshippers therefore come from a diverse range of denominational, cultural and language backgrounds.
Pastoring churches like this forced me to focus on Jesus and avoid the factional nuances that the worshippers brought with them from their countries and churches of origin. In reality, it was a ministry of discipleship. Discipling people to be more like Jesus became the mandate.
By making disciples who are disciple-makers we give people the knowledge they need to avoid the pitfalls of being misguided in their zeal for God without the knowledge of who he really is and the plan He has for building his Kingdom.