Even when I am old and gray…Psalm 71:18

The first was through the privilege I had of working with a man who had a great passion for Jesus and the expansion of His Kingdom through missionary endeavors. Arnold Cook constantly reminded us that God has no grandchildren. By this he meant that every generation needs to be presented with the gospel and won for Christ. It is not possible for any person to become a citizen in God's Kingdom by relying on the faith of a parent or any other person. He also stated this another way by reminding us that the church is always only one generation away from extinction. 

The second incident coincided with the birth of our first grandchild 24 years ago. Her arrival in the world caused me to do some reflection on how effective my generation had been in preparing the world as a place where she would live in a society where God was honored. In the USA, where we lived at that time, and in Canada, the land of my birth, we have not done a very good job of declaring the mighty acts of God and reaching our communities for Christ. 

I realize that there is only so much we can do if people are not responding to the wooing of the Spirit of Jesus but at the same time we can also be more forthright about making Jesus known and inviting people on a discipleship journey. Over my lifetime I have observed the church in Canada and the USA isolating itself from the community. I know this is too broad a statement because some churches and individuals are fully engaged in reaching people for Jesus. However, my perception is, the majority of churches and believers have adopted the attitude if people want to know Jesus they can come to us. 

I have found an outlet for my passion to declare the mighty works of God by making disciples across the street and around the world through an amazing group of people in many nations who have joined me in this cause.

Thank you for fueling this worldwide movement of recruitment and development of disciples who make disciples. You are a big part of what is being accomplished through this ministry by your prayers. 


But even if he does not, we want you to know…Daniel 3:18


Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?…Matthew 9:11b.