What no eye has seen (1 Corinthians 2:9) 

A person in Ontario Canada bought a lottery ticket and won 70 million dollars. Unfortunately, they did not know they won and after one year the window to claim the money has closed. Before the expiry date 2700 people claimed that they were the legitimate winner but failed to supply proof sufficient to satisfy the lottery commission.

Someone is going through life not knowing they could have been a multimillionaire and 2700 others are wishing it was them. If only the winner had known. I am sure as he or she bought what became the winning ticket they had dreams about what they would do if they won.

This situation got me thinking about the future for disciples of Jesus Christ. Our Scripture today informs us, that there is no human faculty that can come close to describing what living eternally in Christ's Kingdom will be like. Furthermore, this is not a risk or a chance like buying a lottery ticket. Our future is guaranteed and secure on the basis of who promised it to us.

I was watching a television drama recently and in the script of the show one of the actors stated there is no after life, when you die it is all over. Others in the drama agreed or remained silent.

Imagine going through this life with all of its challenges and troubles thinking this is the best there is for human beings. Imagine going through life with a deep seated knowledge that this is not true. Ecclesiastes 3:11 states:

"He has also set eternity in their heart"

God has created us in his image with a deep inner yearning for the eternal. Blaise Pascal wrote:

“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator, made know through Jesus Christ.”

The person who bought the lottery ticket is a winner and they don't even know it. If they had claimed their prize they life would have been radically different. Every human being has something far better than a winning lottery ticket available to them. Eternal life is available to them. It is there for the asking and every person who accepts this free gift is radically changed forever.


You would call and I would answer (Job 14:15)


A Godly Life (2 Timothy 3:12)