I have no greater joy…3 John 1:4

It was a real eyeopener for me when I went web surfing for the following search terms: discipling children, what the bible says about discipling children, discipleship for children. The browser assumed I had misspelled the word "disciple" and produced a long list of resources on how to discipline children. Relevant resources for discipling children were very hard to find unless I searched under something to do with teaching children. 

I have a huge amount of respect and gratitude for adults who have the passion and skills to teach children. Every statistic about the effectiveness of evangelism indicates that most people decide to be Jesus followers while they are still children. It is vital that we reach children while they are open to the Spirit of God, inviting them into a special relationship with Jesus because later in life the chances of this kind of life change becomes less and less likely.

Discipleship material for children is a new arena for us. I pray we are able to capture the opportunity to reach the generation of children among us because as one of my mentors told me: "God has no grandchildren." He meant that every generation must be reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


From the lips of children and infants…Matthew 21:16


And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works…Romans 11:6