And in the last days (Acts 2:17)

When Dr. Luke wrote the above caption from the book of Acts he pulled a direct quote from Joel 2:28. We are living in the last days Joel and Luke were talking about. The question is, do we see any evidence of God pouring out his Spirit? 

Depending on where we live we may not be seeing much evidence of God at work. Of course, we know God is always at work but sometimes we are faced with discouragements or disappointments. Such is the case for our work in Sri Lanka. We have made two unsuccessful attempts to translate the F4L discipleship material into Sinhala and in both cases the translator has quit early in the project. But we know that God desires for this work to be completed so it surely will be done in due time. Nevertheless, when things like this happen it can be discouraging.

Being part of a team can be very encouraging because despite set backs like the one above there are places where the Spirit of God is pouring out blessings. Here are a few from recent reports from our National Directors.

  • 59 inmates get baptized in a Kenyan prison.

  • Church planters in Uganda will be trained using F4L discipleship material.

  • More than 1200 discipleship leaders have been trained in Cuba.

  • Discipleship training has been launched in Rwanda, Tanzania and Burundi to universal appreciation for the training. 

  • Two new translations of the F4L discipleship material have been added (Kinyarwanda and Kiswahili). 

  • The students pictured below were in Katmandu, Nepal for training at the Business Institute Katmandu. The director was so impressed with the training that he has invited Amrit (National Director Nepal) to attend every year. One of the students named Kushum said:

 "I felt blessing to know the resources of Foundation for Living Discipleship Training. I have to prepare my testimony
which is important to me. Darkness to the Light tract is also a good resource to share with people."

I try to be selective each week about what to share but it is becoming quite evident there is more to share than I have room for. As God pours out his Spirit we are the participants in some of the work He is doing around the world today. You are a big part of what is happening through your prayers.


Our Hope (Romans 15:4)


God's favorite number….